
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Why them? Why not us?

Two children who went through cancer treatment with Josh are now dying.
Why them and not us?

One is on hospice care.
Her parents wait for her last breath.
Her parents have fought for her with unheralded valiance.
Brave…they are so brave.
She is unforgettable.
Thank God for hospice.
Thank God for pain medicines.
What are they going to do without her?

The other you would never guess the disease is growing.
His mom shares the fear, the pain, and the loss of hope.
Looking for another plan, another clinical trial.
What if…
What if it doesn’t work?
The odds are so low.
The words…quality of life are paramount.
Number one…quality of life.
Making memories.
I listened to his mother.
She is assured of heaven.
I saw the tears.
I ache with tears filling my eyes.
I cannot take it away.
What would I do?

Why them and not us?

We talked of their future without him, their only son.
My heart breaks.

It never stops breaking.
Why them and not us?

Suffering, I can suffer.
I can do it.
I’ll gladly do it.
But not my child.
Lord, not my child.

Why them and not us?

Why do they have to watch their child suffer, Lord?



chaundra Anderson said...

What a heart wrenchingly beautiful prose. I am in aweof you and of any other parent that expriences a loss or a near loss of a child. Thank you for sharing your heart.

Carrie said...

I nominated you for an award at my blog :)