It has happened twice now and I've blogged about it before. Each time it's happened I've been stunned, almost to the point of holding my breath. Then emotion overwhelms me. But this time, after the moment passed, I felt joy and comfort.
The first time I saw Lesly Foster. (I wrote about it from my posting titled "Out of the clear blue..." dated August 2010.)
This time I saw Danny Keagbine. We were in a Seattle hotel. Standing in the lobby, I looked up as an elevator door opened. And there he was, Danny with his bald head and glasses. He was built like Danny. He had pale skin like Danny and he had freckles like Danny. I stared. Josh and his dad stared. And then he smiled at us, that Danny smile. We were frozen, the three of us, until the elevator doors closed. As if the spell were broken, we looked at each other and said, "Danny."
I shared this story with Danny's mother. She felt comforted by the "vision" of her son. Then she told me the night before she got my message, she'd dreamed about me and my children. We were in the Day Treatment Unit of the hospital.
This sighting wasn't as painful as the first.
This time I realized it was like a gift.
The gift of a sighting...